I am fortunate to have supervised the following amazing researchers:

  • Sinho Chewi (Summer 2022, PhD student at MIT with Philippe Rigollet, now Assistant Professor at Yale), co-advised with Sebastien Bubeck
  • Jaume de Dios Pont (Summer 2023, PhD student at UCLA with Terence Tao, now Postdoc at ETHZ), co-advised with Jerry Li
  • Khashayar Gatmiry (Summer 2024, PhD student at MIT with Stefanie Jegelka and Jonathan Kelner), co-advised with Ronen Eldan and Yi Zhang

I was a Teaching Assistant for the following courses.

Industrial masters (2018):

  • Image processing project (“Fil rouge”, Télécom Paris)

Graduate level (2016 - 2019):

  • Optimization for machine learning (KAUST)
  • Introduction to Stochastic Processes (ENSAE Paris)
  • Applied statistics project (ENSAE Paris)
  • Optimization (Télécom Paris)

Undergraduate level (2016 - 2018):

  • Algebra (ENSAE Paris)
  • Measure theory (ENSAE Paris)